AccessibleTableColumns - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
This class uses reflection to allow access to private member variables withing a GSA Table class.
AccessibleTableColumns(TableColumns) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
accessURL(String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
this method returns the contents of the page specified as the URL.
accessURL(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
this method returns the contents of the page specified as the URL.
addComponent(Nucleus, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Adds the given object, pComponent to Nucleus, pNucleus at the path given by pComponentPath.
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
addCookieToBuffer(Cookie) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
additionalVersionProperties(File, String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
addPersistentQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
addQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
addURLParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
alterSchema(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
Alters the schema based on the current model.
APACHE_DERBY - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
APP_SERVER_BEA - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
APP_SERVER_DAS - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
APP_SERVER_IBM - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
APP_SERVER_TOMCAT - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
APPLICATION_PRODUCT_MODULES - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
possible application product modules that may be installed
assertEmptyRepository(DBUtils, GSARepository) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Given a repository, and the DBUtils object used to create the connection for that Repository, this method asserts that all the tables are empty
atg.adapter.gsa - package atg.adapter.gsa
atg.adapter.gsa.xml - package atg.adapter.gsa.xml
atg.junit.nucleus - package atg.junit.nucleus
atg.nucleus - package atg.nucleus
atg.nucleus.logging - package atg.nucleus.logging
atg.server.http - package atg.server.http
atg.service.idgen - package atg.service.idgen
atg.service.jdbc - package atg.service.jdbc
atg.servlet - package atg.servlet
atg.test - package atg.test
Contains general utility classes for testing Dynamo functionality.
atg.test.configuration - package atg.test.configuration
atg.test.io - package atg.test.io
atg.test.util - package atg.test.util
ATG_DUST_TESTCONFIG - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
AtgDustCase - Class in atg.test
Replacement base class for AtgDustTestCase.
AtgDustCase() - Constructor for class atg.test.AtgDustCase
ATGDYNAMO_PRODUCT_MODULE - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
product module corresponding to ATG Dynamo
ATGJ2EESERVER_PRODUCT_MODULE - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
product module corresponding to ATG's J2EE Server
AutoCommitable - Interface in atg.adapter.gsa
Interface for code that should be executed with autoCommit=true.


BasicConfiguration - Class in atg.test.configuration
This class is a merger of atg.test.util.DBUtils and atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils.
BasicConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.test.configuration.BasicConfiguration
buildModel(GSARepository) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
Initialize this class with a model for the given repository.
ByteBufferInputStream - Class in atg.test.io
An InputStream which reads from a ByteBuffer
ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class atg.test.io.ByteBufferInputStream
ByteBufferOutputStream - Class in atg.test.io
An output stream which allows writing to a ByteBuffer
ByteBufferOutputStream(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class atg.test.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
Creates a new ByteBufferOutputStream which writes into the given ByteBuffer.


CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.xml.VersioningContextUtil
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.server.http.TestingHttpConnectionServletInputStream
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.test.io.ByteBufferInputStream
Class version string
cleanup() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Deletes any files created by initializing the configpath
com.mycompany - package com.mycompany
conn - Variable in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
ConsoleLogListener - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
Simple class to get logging in unit testing working.
ConsoleLogListener() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ConsoleLogListener
containsHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
convertFileArray(String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
converts a delimiter separated String of file names into an array and expands all System property variables in the Strings.
convertFileArray(String, String, Properties) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
converts a delimiter separated String of file names into an array and expands all variables in the Strings.
copyConfigurationFiles(String[], String, String...) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Every *.properties file copied using this method will have it's scope (if one is available) set to global.
copyDirectory(String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
copyFile(String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
copyToConfigpath(File, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
copyToConfigpath(File, String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
COULD_NOT_DELETE_TEMP_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
CREATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.InitializingObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
The SQL statement required to create the table used by this component.
CREATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.InitializingSQLIdGenerator
The SQL statement required to create the table used by this component.
createBasicDataSource(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
creates and returns a DataSource based on the user/pwd/driver/url info supplied.
createClientLockManager(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
createDummyItem(GSARepository, String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
createDynamoHttpServletRequest(Map<String, String>, int, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils
Creates a new DynamoHtttpServletRequest object that can be used in a unit test.
createDynamoHttpServletResponse() - Method in class atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils
Deprecated. Use the version that takes a TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest parameter
createDynamoHttpServletResponse(TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils
Creates a new DynamoHtttpServletResponse object that can be used in a unit test.
createFakeXADataSource(File, Properties, String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
createFakeXADataSource(File, Map<String, String>) - Method in class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
createFakeXADataSource(File) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
createFakeXADataSource(File, String) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
createGlobal(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a GLOBAL.properties
createIdGenerator(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
createIDGeneratorTables(DBUtils) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates the das_id_generator tables using the given database
createIdSpaces(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Writes the idspaces.xml file
createInitial(File, List) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Creates an Initial.properties file pRoot The root directory of the configpath pInitialServices A list of initial services
createJTDataSource(File) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
createJTDataSource(File, String, String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a new JTDataSource component.
createJTDataSource(File) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
createJTDataSource(File, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Creates a new JTDataSource component.
createNucleus(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates Nucleus' Nucleus.properties
createProperties(String, File, String, Properties) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Creates a .properties file
createPropertiesByConfigurationLocation(File) - Method in class atg.test.configuration.BasicConfiguration
createPropertiesByConfigurationLocation(File) - Method in class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
createPropertyFile(String, String, Class<?>) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
createPropertyFile(String, File, Class<?>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
createRepositoryConfiguration(File, String, boolean, boolean, String...) - Method in class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
createRepositoryPropertiesFile(File, String, String[], String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a .properties file for the given repository.
createRepositoryPropertiesFile(File, String, String[], String, String, String[], String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a .properties file for the given repository.
createSchema(boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
Creates the schema based on the current model.
createScreenLog(File, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a ScreenLog component
createSQLRepositoryEventServer(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a SQLRepositoryEventServer
createTables(List<String>, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
This method is used to create tables in a database.
createTempServerDir() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Create a temporary, empty server directory.
createTransactionManager(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
createUserTransaction(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates the UserTransaction component
createVersioningContext(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.xml.VersioningContextUtil
createVersioningContext(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.xml.VersioningContextUtil
createVersionRepositoryPropertiesFile(File, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Creates a .properties file for the given repository.
createXMLToolsFactory(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils


DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
The purpose of this class is to map from a the database specific type name for a column to the java.sql.Types for that column.
DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC(DatabaseTableInfo) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC
Creates a new instance of this class initialized with the given DatabaseTableInfo object.
databaseTypeNametoJDBCType(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC
Given a database specific type name, returns the matching java.sql.Types constant.
DB2 - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
DB2 - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
DBUtils - Class in atg.test.util
Utility code for getting a connection to a database.
DBUtils(Properties) - Constructor for class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Creates a new DBUtils given a Properties object containing connection info Expected keys: URL

DBUtils(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.test.util.DBUtils
DEFAULT - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
DEFAULT - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
deleteDirectoryOnShutdown(File) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
Deletes the given directory when the JVM exits.
DerbyDataSource - Class in atg.service.jdbc
Experimental since Apache Derby is not supported by ATG 9.0. This datasource is used for testing.
DerbyDataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.DerbyDataSource
deserialize(File, long) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
doInAutoCommit(Connection) - Method in interface atg.adapter.gsa.AutoCommitable
Work to be done withing the scope of an autoCommit transaction should be placed into the implementation of this method.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
Overrides doStartService from GSARepository to make the repository optionally create required tables and load data using the TemplateParser -import flag.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
Overrides doStartService from VersionRepository to make the repository optionally create required tables by specified sql scripts and load data using the TemplateParser -import flag.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
method to execute when starting this component
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.InitializingObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Ensures that the required tables for this id generator exist.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.InitializingSQLIdGenerator
Ensures that the required tables for this id generator exist.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.DerbyDataSource
Sets Derby JDBC properties to be used when the first client asks for a connection.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.HSQLDBDataSource
Starts this DataSource.
doStartService() - Method in class com.mycompany.SimpleComponent
Called when this component is started.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
This method is called when the repository is shutdown.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
This method is called when the repository is shutdown.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.DerbyDataSource
Cleans up for dynamo shutdown
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.HSQLDBDataSource
Called when Nucleus is shutdown.
doStopService() - Method in class com.mycompany.SimpleComponent
Called when this component is shut down.
dropSchema(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
Drops the schema based on the current model.
dropTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
This method drops all tables required by the GSARepository.
dropTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
This method drops all tables required by the GSARepository.
dropTables(Collection<String>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
Method that iteratively attempts to drop tables.
dropTablesFromCreateStatements(List<String>) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
This method is used to iteratively drop tables.
dump(ResultSet) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
dumpTable(Table, Collection<String>) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Dump all the data from a table to the console
dumpTables(GSARepository, String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
duplicateRepositories(GSARepository[], DataSource[]) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Duplicates the given array of repositories.
duplicateRepository(GSARepository, DataSource) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
duplicateRepository(GSARepository, DataSource, boolean) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Duplicates the given repository, binds it into nucleus with the suffix "-Shadow"
DUST_USERNAME - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
property to track the DUST user.
DUST_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
property to track the DUST version being used.
DYNAMO_INSTALL_DIR - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the directory in which Dynamo was installed.


encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
encodeURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeURL(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeUrl(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
encodeURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
endRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
executeCreateIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
executeQuery(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
executes the specified query and returns a List of values for the specified column name.
executeSQL(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
Perform the specified SQL statement in a new transaction which is commited.
executeSQLFile(File) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
expand(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
expands all System property variables specified in the supplied String using curly braces syntax {...} and returns the resulting String.
expand(String, Properties) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
expands all property variables specified in the supplied String using curly braces syntax {...} and returns the resulting String.


FileFormatException - Exception in atg.junit.nucleus
A general utility exception thrown if a file is formatted in an unexpected manner.
FileFormatException() - Constructor for exception atg.junit.nucleus.FileFormatException
no arg constructor
FileFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.junit.nucleus.FileFormatException
FileFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.junit.nucleus.FileFormatException
FileFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.junit.nucleus.FileFormatException
FileUtil - Class in atg.test.util
A collection of utility methods for dealing with the filesystem.
FileUtil() - Constructor for class atg.test.util.FileUtil
findFreePort() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
This method returns a free port number on the current machine.
flushBuffer() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse


generateDummyValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
getApplicationModules() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns an array of AppModule items corresponding to the currently running application products.
getApplicationProductModules() - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the names of possible application product modules that may be installed in Dyanmo.
getAppServerBuildNumber() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the build number of the app server being used.
getAppServerPatchBuildNumber() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the patch build number of the app server being used.
getAppServerPatchVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the patch version of the app server being used.
getAppServerProductInfo() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns a summary of information about the App Server product being used.
getAppServerProductName() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the product name of the app server being used.
getAppServerType() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the name of the app server that dynamo is using
getAppServerVendor() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the vendor name of the App server manufacturer.
getAppServerVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the version number of the app server being used.
getAtgBuildNumber(AppModule) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the ATG product build number ("ATG-Build") of the specified module.
getAtgDynamoModule() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns an AppModule corresponding to the ATG Dynamo if that product is loaded.
getAtgDynamoProductModule() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the name of the ATG Dynamo product module that will be loaded if Dynamo is being used.
getAtgFullVersion(AppModule) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the ATG full product version ("ATG-Version-Full") of the specified module.
getAtgJ2eeServerInstallDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the root install directory for the ATG J2EE Server, or null if the ATG J2EE Server is not installed.
getAtgJ2eeServerModule() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns an AppModule corresponding to the ATG J2EE Server if that product is loaded.
getAtgJ2eeServerProductModule() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the name of the ATG J2EE Server product module that will be loaded if ATG's J2EE Server is being used.
getAtgJ2eeServerProductName() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the name of the ATG J2EE Server product this is installed, or null if a separate ATG J2EE Server build is not installed.
getAtgPatchBuildNumber(AppModule) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the ATG patch build number ("ATG-Patch-Build") of the specified module.
getAtgPatchVersion(AppModule) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the ATG patch version ("ATG-Patch-Version") of the specified module.
getAtgVersion(AppModule) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the ATG product version ("ATG-Version") of the specified module.
getAttribute(Node, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
gets the value of the named attribute.
getAttribute(Node, String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
returns the value of the named attribute, or the specified default if the attribute value is null.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getAttributeNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getAttributeNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getAuthType() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getBaseConfigDirectory() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Set the basic config directory.
getBaseDirectory() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getBeaHomeDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the BEA home directory if running on BEA.
getBeaMyServerLogFile() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the expected location of the BEA 'myserver.log' file if running on BEA.
getBeaVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the BEA version number.
getBooleanAttribute(Node, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
returns the value of the named attribute as a boolean.
getBooleanAttribute(Node, String, Boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
returns the value of the named attribute as a Boolean object.
getBooleanValue(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
converts the specified value into a boolean.
getBranchId() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getBrowserTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getBufferSize() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getClassRelativeTo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Return the "class relative to" property.
getClientOutputStream(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an output stream to which data can be written.
getComment() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getCompilerType() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the type of compiler that Dynamo is using
getConfigFilesTimestamps() - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
getConfigpath() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
getConfigpath(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Returns the configpath for tests
getConfigpath(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
getConfigpath(String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
getConfigpath(Class, String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
getConfigpath(Class, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
getContentLength() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getContentType() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getContentType() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getContentTypeSet() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getContextPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookieParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookieParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookieParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookieParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookieParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookieParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCookies() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getCreateStatement() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.InitializingIdGenerator
Returns the create table statement required for this IdGenerator.
getCreateStatement() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.InitializingObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Returns the create statement appropriate for the current database
getCreateStatement() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.InitializingSQLIdGenerator
Returns the create statement appropriate for the current database
getCreateTableBeginDelimiter() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
getCreateTableBeginDelimiter() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
getCreateTableEndDelimiter() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
getCreateTableEndDelimiter() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
getDatabaseName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.InitializingDataSourceBase
Returns the name of the database to use with HSQLDB.
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
returns the DataSource from which db connections are obtained
getDataSource() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.InitializingIdGenerator
Returns the data source used by this IdGenerator
getDateHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getDB2DBConnection(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
getDetermineTableExistsSQL() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
returns String executed to determine whether a table exists.
getDetermineTableExistsSQL() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
getDisableExitTracking() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getDoCheckin() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getDocRootServicePrefix() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getDoExitTracking() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getDropTableSQL() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
returns String executed to drop a table.
getDropTableSQL() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
getDustUsername() - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the DUST user name.
getDustVersion() - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the DUST version being used.
getDynamoConfiguration() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the Configuration component being used by Dynamo
getDynamoHomeDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns Dynamo's "home" module installation directory.
getDynamoInstallDir() - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the directory in which Dynamo was installed.
getDynamoProductInfo() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns information about the ATG Dynamo product being used.
getDynamoProductName() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method returns the name of the Dynamo product that is installed.
getDynamoRootDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the root directory for this Dynamo.
getEncodeContextPathMode() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getEncodeServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getEncodeURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getEventFlags() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getExitTrackingHandler() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getExitTrackingParameterName() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getForeignKeys() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
Returns the mForeignKeys field of the Table class passed to the constructor of this class.
getFormEventsSent() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getGenerateRequestLocales() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getGlobalTestConfig() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Look up the global testconfig path.
getGSATestUtils() - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
getHead() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
Returns the mHead field of the Table class passed to the constructor of this class.
getHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getHeaderNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getHeaders(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getHeaders() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getHeaders(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getHostname() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the hostname of the machine that Dynamo is running on
getHSQLDBFileDBConnection(String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns a Properties object preconfigured to create an HSQLDB in memory database connecting with user "sa" password ""
getHSQLDBInMemoryDBConnection(String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns a Properties object preconfigured to create an HSQLDB in memory database connecting with user "sa" password ""
getHSQLDBInMemoryDBConnection() - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns a Properties object preconfigured to create an HSQLDB in memory database connecting with user "sa" password ""
getHSQLDBRegularDBConnection(String, String, Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns a Properties object preconfigured to create an HSQLDB in memory database connecting with user "sa" password ""
getImportFiles() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
getImportFiles() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getImportFilesAsStrings() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
getImportFilesAsStrings() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getInitialService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Gets the initialService.
getInputStream() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getIntegerAttribute(Node, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
returns the value of the named attribute as an Integer object.
getIntegerValue(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
converts the specified String into an Integer.
getIntHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getJavaBuildVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the java build version (java.version) that Dynamo is using
getJavaInfo() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns info about the java build that Dynamo is using
getJavaVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the java version that Dynamo is using
getJavaVersionDetails() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns detailed version information about the jdk being used
getJBossHomeDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the JBOSS installation home directory, if Dynamo is running on JBOSS.
getJBossServerHomeDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the JBOSS server home directory, if Dynamo is running on JBOSS.
getJBossServerLog() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the path to the JBOSS server log file, if it can be found.
getJBossServerName() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the JBOSS server name, if Dynamo is running on JBOSS.
getJBossVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the version of JBOSS being used, if it can be determined.
getLayers() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Returns the Dynamo layers to run with.
getLayersAsString() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Return the layers as a string appropriate for passing to DynamoServerLauncher, calculateConfigPath.
getLinkEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLiveconfig() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Returns property liveconfig.
getLocalAddr() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocale() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocale() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getLocales() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocaleToCharsetMapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getLocalName() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocalParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocalParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocalParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocalPort() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getLoggingManager() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
getLongAttribute(Node, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
returns the value of the named attribute as a Long object.
getLongValue(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
converts the specified String into a Long.
getManifestInfo(AppModule, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Retrieves a piece of information from the MANIFEST of the supplied AppModule.
getManifestInfo(Manifest, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Retrieves a piece of information from the specified Manifest file.
getMapForCurrentFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getMethod() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getMimeType() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getModuleResourceFile(String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Retrieves a File resource from a Dynamo Module.
getModules() - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Return the list of modules for starting Nucleus.
getMSSQLDBConnection(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns connection properties for MSSQL
getMultiColumnName() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
Returns the mMultiColumnName field of the Table class passed to the constructor of this class.
getMySQLDBConnection(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns connection properties for mysql
getNewCompoundId(GSARepository, GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Get a id suitable for creating items of this type.
getNodes(File, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
retrieves the Node(s) represented within the DOM hierarchy at the location designated by the 'nested' child nodes.
getNodes(Document, String[]) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
retrieves the Node(s) represented within the DOM hierarchy at the location designated by the 'nested' child nodes.
getNodes(Node, String[]) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
retrieves the Node(s) represented within the DOM hierarchy at the location designated by the 'nested' child nodes.
getNodes(Node, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
returns the Element NodeList for the specified child of the parent Node.
getNodeTextValue(Node) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
Returns the String value of the content of the Node specified.
getNucleus() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getObjectParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getObjectParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getObjectParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getObjectParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getObjectURLParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getOperatingSystemType() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the type of Operating System that Dynamo is running on
getOracleDBConnection(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns connection properties for MSSQL
getOutputStream() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameterDelimiter() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameterMap() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameterNamesInStack() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getParamMapForTopFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPathInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPathTranslated() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPermanentAttribute(AttributeFactory) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPostParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPostParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPostParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPostParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPostParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getPrimaryKeys() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
Returns the mPrimaryKeys field of the Table class passed to the constructor of this class.
getPrivateField(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
getProjectName() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getProjectType() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getProtocol() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getQueryParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getQueryParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getQueryParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getQueryParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getQueryParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getReader() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRealPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRemoteHost() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRemotePort() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRemoteUser() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
getRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestContentLength() - Method in class atg.server.http.TestingHttpConnectionServletInputStream
getRequestDispatcher(ServletContext, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestForComparison() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestLocalePath() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestScope() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestScopeManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestURI() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestURIWithQueryString() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getResponse() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getResponse() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getRestorableSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getRowCount(String) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
getSchemaTracker() - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SchemaTracker
getScheme() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getScrambleKey() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getServerName() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getServerPort() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getServiceParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
getServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSession() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSession(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSessionConfirmationNumber() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSessionLimit(String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the session limit of the specified license component
getSessionNameContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSessionRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSessionRequest(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getSolidDBConnection(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns connection properties for MSSQL
getSqlCreateFiles() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed instead of the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
getSqlCreateFiles() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed instead of the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
getSqlDropFiles() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed during 'tear-down' instead of basing it on the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
getSqlDropFiles() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed during 'tear-down' instead of basing it on the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
getSQLProcessor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
getSQLProcessor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
this method returns a String representation of an Exception's stacktrace
getStatus() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getSybaseDBConnection(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
Returns connection properties for MSSQL
getTableName() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.InitializingIdGenerator
Returns the drop table statement for this IdGenerator
getTableNames(GSARepository) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Returns all the tables names used for the given repository.
getTableToRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SchemaTracker
getTail() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
Returns the mTail field of the Table class passed to the constructor of this class.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
returns the TransactionManager that should be used to monitor transaction
getTsmTestrun() - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns the TSM testrun this result is part of.
getURLParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getURLParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getURLParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getURLParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getURLParameterString() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getURLParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getURLSessionIdSpecifier() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getUser() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getUserAuthenticator() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getUsername() - Method in class com.mycompany.SimpleDroplet
Returns the value of the username parameter
getUsernameFromInputStream() - Method in class com.mycompany.SimpleDroplet
Returns the value of the username as written to the request input stream
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getVersionedGSATestUtils() - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
getWasHomeDir() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the WAS home directory if running on WAS.
getWasSystemErrLogFile() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the expected location of the WAS 'SystemErr.log' file if running on WAS.
getWasSystemOutLogFile() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the expected location of the WAS 'SystemOut.log' file if running on WAS.
getWasVersion() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
returns the WAS version number.
getWebApplication() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getWebPools() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getWindowScope() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getWindowScopeManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getWorkspaceIdPrefix() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
getWrapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
getWrapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
getWriter() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
GLOBAL_FORCE_SER - Static variable in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
GSARepositorySchemaGenerator - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
This class is used to generate drop and alter a database schema required for a given repository.
GSARepositorySchemaGenerator(GSARepository) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
Creates a new GSARepositorySchemaGenerator and initializes it with a model based upon the given repository.
GSATest - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A basic GSA test which is expected to be extended than used directly.
GSATest() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
GSATest(String) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Constructor for GSATest.
GSATestUtils - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A utility class to simplify testing with GSARepositories inside of junit tests.
GSATestUtils(boolean) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils


hashCode() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
hashCode() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
hasRequestScope() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
HSQLDBDataSource - Class in atg.service.jdbc
This datasource is used for testing.
HSQLDBDataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.HSQLDBDataSource


IdGeneratorInitializer - Class in atg.service.idgen
IdGeneratorInitializer(InitializingIdGenerator) - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorInitializer
Creates a new IdGeneratorInitializer used for the given generator, pGenerator.
importFiles(VersionRepository, String[], String, boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
INFORMIX - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
INFORMIX - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
initDB(Properties) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
initialize() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorInitializer
Creates a new schema for the current generator.
initializeFile(File, boolean) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
Initializes the XML file to be parsed and gets the Document tree for it.
initializeMinimalConfigpath(File, String, String[], Properties, String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Given a directory, pRoot, this method creates the minimal .properties files required to startup a GSA Repository from Nucleus.
initializeMinimalConfigpath(File, String, String[], Properties, String, String, String[], boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
Given a directory, pRoot, this method creates the minimal .properties files required to startup a GSA Repository from Nucleus.
initializeMinimalConfigpath(File, String, String[], Properties, String, String, String[], boolean, String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
initializeMinimalRepositoryConfiguration(File, String, Map<String, String>, boolean, boolean, String...) - Method in class atg.test.util.RepositoryManager
InitializingDataSourceBase - Class in atg.service.jdbc
Base class for InitializingDataSource's common functionaliy.
InitializingDataSourceBase() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.InitializingDataSourceBase
InitializingGSA - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
This class is an extension of atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepository.
InitializingGSA() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
InitializingIdGenerator - Interface in atg.service.idgen
This is a helper interface implemented by InitializingIdGenerators.
InitializingObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
This IDGenerator is intended to be used by unit tests.
InitializingObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.InitializingObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
InitializingSQLIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
This IDGenerator is intended to be used by unit tests.
InitializingSQLIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.InitializingSQLIdGenerator
InitializingVersionRepository - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
This class is an extension of atg.adapter.version.VersionRepository.
InitializingVersionRepository() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
invokeMethod(Object, String, Class<?>[], Object[], Object) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
isAfterGetsClaimed() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isAllowNoDrop() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
If true, one may specify create scripts, but no drop scripts.
isBigEar() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns true if Dynamo is running as BigEar; otherwise returns false.
isBigEarStandalone() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns true if Dynamo is running as BigEar in standalone mode; otherwise returns false.
isBrowserType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isCleanStart - Variable in class com.mycompany.SimpleComponent
isCommitted() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
isCreateTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isCreateTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isDB2(Properties) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isDB2() - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isDebug - Variable in class atg.test.configuration.BasicConfiguration
isDebug - Variable in class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
isDelayedRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isDerby() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
Returns true if the current database is Apache Derby.
isDirty() - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
isDoCheckin() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isDropTablesAtShutdown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isDropTablesAtShutdown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isDropTablesIfExist() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isDropTablesIfExist() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isDynamoInstalled() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns true if the Dynamo product is being used; false if only the ATG J2EE Server product is running.
isDynamoPipeline() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isExecuteCreateAndDropScripts() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
returns true if create and drop scripts mapped through properties 'setSqlCreateFiles' and 'getSqlCreateFiles' should be executed at startup.
isExecuteCreateAndDropScripts() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
returns true if create and drop scripts mapped through properties 'setSqlCreateFiles' and 'getSqlCreateFiles' should be executed at startup.
isGenericAppServer() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns true if Dynamo is running on a 'generic' (aka Tomcat) j2ee appserver; false otherwise.
isImportEveryStartup() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isImportEveryStartup() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isImportWithTransaction() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isImportWithTransaction() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isInitialized() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isInTemplatePage() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isLiveconfig() - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Returns true is Dynamo is running with liveconfig enabled; otherwise returns false.
isLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
returns true if the GSA should load JDBC metadata when starting the initial instantiation of the component.
isLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
returns true if the GSA should load JDBC metadata when starting the initial instantiation of the component.
isLoggingCreateTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isLoggingCreateTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isMSSQLServer(Properties) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isMSSQLServer() - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isOracle(Properties) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isOracle() - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isResponseComplete() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
isRestartingAfterTableCreation() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
Returns true if this repository will attempt to "restart" after creating tables.
isRestartingAfterTableCreation() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
Returns true if this repository will attempt to "restart" after creating tables.
isSecure() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isSetAutoCommit() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
returns true if autoCommit should be set to true on all connections used to execute SQL.
isShutdownHSQLDB() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.HSQLDBDataSource
Returns true if the "SHUTDOWN" sql statment should be sent to HSQLDB when doStopService is called on this component.
isStripReferences() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
isStripReferences() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
isSybase(Properties) - Static method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isSybase() - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
isUseDDLUtils() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
If true then Apache DDLUtils will be used to generate the schema.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
isWriterUsed() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse


log(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Logs a message using Nucleus.logInfo() if Nucleus is available.
log - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logError(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ConsoleLogListener
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logToSystemOut - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLFileParser
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest


main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLFileParser
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils
mAllowNoDrop - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
manageConfigurationFiles(Properties) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Donated by Remi Dupuis
mDatabase - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
mDatabaseName - Variable in class atg.service.jdbc.InitializingDataSourceBase
mDatabaseType - Variable in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
mDatabaseTypeNameToJDBC - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
mFilesCreated - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
MICROSOFT - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
MICROSOFT - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
mLogger - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
mMetaDataMap - Variable in class atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorInitializer
MockDynamoHttpServletRequest - Class in atg.servlet
Deprecated. Instead use atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils.createDynamoRequest()
MockDynamoHttpServletRequest() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
MockDynamoHttpServletResponse - Class in atg.servlet
Deprecated. Instead use atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils.createDynamoResponse()
MockDynamoHttpServletResponse() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletResponse
modifyNucleusCommandLineOptions(List<String>) - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Modify Nucleus command-line options, as needed.
mPlatform - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
mRepository - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepositorySchemaGenerator
mRestartAfterTableCreation - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
mRestartAfterTableCreation - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
mShutdownHSQLDB - Variable in class atg.service.jdbc.HSQLDBDataSource
mTableColumns - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.AccessibleTableColumns
mTableInfo - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC
mTableToRepository - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.SchemaTracker


NucleusTestUtils - Class in atg.nucleus
NucleusTestUtils() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions - Class in atg.nucleus
A class representing NucleusStartupOptions, used by startNucleusWithModules().
NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions(String[], Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
This constructor creates NucleusStartupOptions with the specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS", "Publishing.base", etc).
NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions(String[], Class, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
This constructor creates NucleusStartupOptions with the specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS", "Publishing.base", etc).


ORACLE - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
ORACLE - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository


P4SYNCTIME - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
property to track the p4 sync time for tests.
parseSQLFile(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLFileParser
parseSQLFiles(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLFileParser
performExitTracking(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
popDefaultParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
popFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
popParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
prepare() - Method in class com.mycompany.SimpleComponent
Checks that Nucleus is running, if its not, then throw a ServiceException.
prepareForRead() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
Flips the underlying buffer to the client output stream so that it can be read from.
prepareRepository(String, String...) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Prepares a test against an default in-memory hsql database.
prepareRepository(String, Properties, boolean, boolean, String...) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Prepares a test against an existing database.
printRequest(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
printSQLException(SQLException) - Static method in class atg.service.jdbc.DerbyDataSource
Prints details of an SQLException chain to System.err.
pushDefaultParameters(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
pushFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
pushParameters(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest


query(String) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils


read(byte[]) - Method in class atg.test.io.ByteBufferInputStream
read() - Method in class atg.test.io.ByteBufferInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class atg.test.io.ByteBufferInputStream
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
removeParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
removePersistentQueryParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
removeSessionFromRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
RepositoryConfiguration - Class in atg.test.configuration
This class is a merger of atg.test.util.DBUtils and atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils.
RepositoryConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
RepositoryManager - Class in atg.test.util
This class is a merger of atg.test.util.DBUtils and atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils.
RepositoryManager() - Constructor for class atg.test.util.RepositoryManager
reset() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SchemaTracker
Resets the state in this class.
reset() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
resetBuffer() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
resolveAppModuleResourceReference(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Resolves an appModuleResource reference by parsing the string into its constituent ModuleID and ResourceURI.
resolveGlobalName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveGlobalName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveName(ComponentName, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveName(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveNucleusComponent(String) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Method for retrieving a fully injected atg component
resolveRequestName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveRequestName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveSessionName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
resolveSessionName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
restart() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
Restarts the repository.
restart() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
Restarts the repository.


SchemaTracker - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
sClassName - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
searchAndReplace(String, String, File) - Method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
sendEmail(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message; returns true if everything went ok; otherwise, returns false
sendEmail(String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message; returns true if everything went ok; otherwise, returns false
sendEmail(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, File[], String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message that contains several attachments.
sendEmail(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message that contains several attachments.
sendEmail(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message that contains several attachments.
sendEmails(List<String>, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send the same email message to a vector of recipients
sendEmails(List<String>, String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send the same email message to a vector of recipients.
sendEmails(List<String>, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, File[], String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message that contains several attachments.
sendEmails(List<String>, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message that contains several attachments to multiple recipients.
sendEmails(List<String>, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message that contains several attachments to multiple recipients.
sendEmailWithReturn(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
This method is used to send an email message and allows the user to specify the return address.
sendError(int, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
sendError(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
sendLocalRedirect(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
serialize(File, Object) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.mycompany.SimpleDroplet
Called to execute this droplet
serviceLocalParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceLocalParameter(ParameterName, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceLocalParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceParameter(ParameterName, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceParameter(ParameterName, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
serviceParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
ServletTestUtils - Class in atg.servlet
Utility methods for setting up Servlet based tests.
ServletTestUtils() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.ServletTestUtils
setAbsoluteName(String, GenericService) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Allows the absoluteName of the given service to be explicitly defined.
setAfterGetsClaimed(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setAllowNotDrop(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setApplicationProductModules(String[]) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
specifies the names of possible application product modules that may be installed in Dyanmo.
setAtgDynamoProductModule(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
specifies the name of the ATG Dynamo product module that will be loaded if Dynamo is being used.
setAtgJ2eeServerProductModule(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
specifies the name of the ATG J2EE Server product module that will be loaded if ATG's J2EE Server is being used.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setAttributeFactory(String, AttributeFactory) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setAuthType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
if set to true, then autoCommit will be set to true on all connections used to execute SQL.
setBaseDirectory(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setBeaMyServerLogFile(String) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Specifies the log file to return when asked for the BEA 'myserver.log' file.
setBranchId(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setBrowserTyper(BrowserTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setComment(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setConfigFilesGlobalForce(Map<String, Long>) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
setConfigFilesTimestamps(Map<String, Long>) - Static method in class atg.test.util.FileUtil
setConfigurationLocation(String) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Call this method to set the configuration location.
setContentLength(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setContentLength(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setContentTypeSet(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setContextPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setCookieParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setCreateTableBeginDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
setCreateTableBeginDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
setCreateTableEndDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
setCreateTableEndDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
setCreateTables(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setCreateTables(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setDatabaseName(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.InitializingDataSourceBase
Sets the name of the database to be used with HSQLDB
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
sets the DataSource from which to get DB connections
setDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Enables or disables the debug level of nucleus components.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.test.configuration.BasicConfiguration
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
setDetermineTableExistsSQL(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
sets String executed to determine whether a table exists.
setDetermineTableExistsSQL(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
setDisableExitTracking(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setDoCheckin(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setDocRootServicePrefix(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setDoExitTracking(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setDropTablesAtShutdown(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setDropTablesAtShutdown(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setDropTablesIfExist(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setDropTablesIfExist(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setDropTableSQL(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
sets String executed to drop a table.
setDropTableSQL(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
setDustUsername(String) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
specifies the DUST user.
setDustVersion(int) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
specifies the DUST version being used.
setDynamoInstallDir(File) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Specifies the directory in which Dynamo was installed.
setDynamoPipeline(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setEncodeContextPathMode(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setEncodeServletPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setEncodeURL(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setExecuteCreateAndDropScripts(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
if set to true then create and drop scripts mapped through properties 'setSqlCreateFiles' and 'getSqlCreateFiles' will be executed.
setExecuteCreateAndDropScripts(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
if set to true then create and drop scripts mapped through properties 'setSqlCreateFiles' and 'getSqlCreateFiles' will be executed.
setExitTrackingHandler(ExitTrackingHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setFormEventsSent(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setGenerateRequestLocales(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setHeaders(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setImportEveryStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setImportEveryStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setImportFiles(File[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setImportFiles(File[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setImportWithTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setImportWithTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setInitialized(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setInputParameter(ParameterName, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setInputParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setInputStream(ServletInputStream) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setInTemplatePage(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setIsTemporaryInstantiation(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setIsTemporaryInstantiation(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setLayers(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Sets the Dynamo layers to run with.
setLinkEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setLiveconfig(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions
Sets property liveconfig.
setLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
set to true if the GSA should load JDBC metadata when starting the initial instantiation of the component.
setLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
set to true if the GSA should load JDBC metadata when starting the initial instantiation of the component.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setLocaleToCharsetMapper(LocaleToCharsetMapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setLog(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setloggingCreateTables(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setloggingCreateTables(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setLoggingManager(GenericService) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setMethod(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setMimeType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setNamedParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setNucleus(Nucleus) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setOutputStream(ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setP4Synctime(String) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
property to track the p4 sync time for tests.
setP4Synctime() - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
property to track the p4 sync time for tests.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.MockDynamoHttpServletRequest
setParameter(String, Object, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setParameterDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setParameterHandler(ParameterHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setPathInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setPathTranslated(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setProjectName(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setProjectType(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setProtocol(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setQueryString(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRemoteAddr(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRemoteHost(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRemoteUser(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRepository(GSARepository) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setRequestContentLength(int) - Method in class atg.server.http.TestingHttpConnectionServletInputStream
setRequestLocale(RequestLocale) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRequestLocalePath(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRequestScope(NameContext) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRequestScopeManager(RequestScopeManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRequestURI(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setRequestURIHasQueryString(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setRestartingAfterTableCreation(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
Sets if this repository will attempt to "restart" after creating tables.
setRestartingAfterTableCreation(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
Sets if this repository will attempt to "restart" after creating tables.
setRestorableSessionIdFromURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setScheme(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setScrambleKey(byte[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setServerName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setServerPort(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setServletPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setSessionRequest(HttpSessionRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setShutdownHSQLDB(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.HSQLDBDataSource
Sets the boolean which controls if HSQLDB should be shutdown when doStopService is called on this component.
setSqlCreateFiles(Properties) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
Optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed instead of the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
setSqlCreateFiles(Properties) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
Optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed instead of the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
setSqlDropFiles(Properties) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed during 'tear-down' instead of basing it on the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
setSqlDropFiles(Properties) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed during 'tear-down' instead of basing it on the SQL generated by startSQLRepository.
setSQLProcessor(SQLProcessorEngine) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setSQLProcessor(SQLProcessorEngine) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setStatus(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setStrictOutputAccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setStripReferences(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
setStripReferences(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setTableToRepository(HashMap<String, List<GSARepository>>) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SchemaTracker
settings - Variable in class atg.test.configuration.BasicConfiguration
settings - Variable in class atg.test.configuration.RepositoryConfiguration
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
sets the TransactionManager that should be used to monitor transactions
setTsmTestrun(String) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Specifies the TSM testrun this result is part of.
setUp() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
setUpAndTest(File, String[], Properties, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Create a repository in the given configpath using the given repository definitions (Absolute paths) connecting to the db whose properties are specified in pDBProperties @see DBUtils Method pMethodName is invoked with the GSARepository passed to it as a parameter.
setUpAndTest(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Createa a file using reasonable defaults.
setupLoopbackTemplateEmailRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setURLSessionIdSpecifier(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setUseDDLUtils(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
If true then Apache DDLUtils will be used to generate the schema.
setUser(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setUserAuthenticator(UserAuthenticator) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setWasSystemErrLogFile(String) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Specifies the log file to return when asked for the WAS 'SystemErr.log' file.
setWasSystemOutLogFile(String) - Method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Specifies the log file to return when asked for the WAS 'SystemOut.log' file.
setWebApplication(WebApplicationInterface) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setWebPools(WebPools) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setWindowScopeManager(WindowScopeManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setWorkspaceIdPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
setWrapper(ServletRequestWrapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
setWrapper(ServletResponseWrapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
setWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
shouldExitTrack(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
shutdown() - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
shutdownInMemoryDbAndCloseConnections() - Method in class atg.test.util.RepositoryManager
shutdownNucleus(Nucleus) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Shutdown the specified Nucleus and try to delete the associated temporary server directory.
SimpleComponent - Class in com.mycompany
This is an example class created for the purpose of demonstrating how to write test code with DUST.
SimpleComponent() - Constructor for class com.mycompany.SimpleComponent
SimpleDroplet - Class in com.mycompany
SimpleDroplet() - Constructor for class com.mycompany.SimpleDroplet
SOLID - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
SOLID - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
SQLFileParser - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
SQLFileParser() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLFileParser
no arg constructor
SQLProcessor - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A generic class to execute SQL actions against a database.
SQLProcessor(TransactionManager, DataSource) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
Construct with specified DataSource
SQLProcessor(TransactionManager, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessor
Constructor with specified user/password/driver/URL.
SQLProcessorEngine - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
This class is designed to assist with database table manipulation such as adding tables.
SQLProcessorEngine() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
empty constructor
SQLProcessorEngine(GSARepository) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorEngine
Construct a generator
SQLProcessorException - Exception in atg.adapter.gsa
An exception created by the SQLProcessorEngine.
SQLProcessorException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorException
Construct an SQLProcessorException
SQLProcessorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorException
Construct an SQLProcessorException
SQLProcessorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.adapter.gsa.SQLProcessorException
Construct an SQLProcessorException
sRemoveTempAtgServerDirectories - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Whether or not to remove tempoary ATG server directories created by startNucleusWithModules().
startNucleus(File) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Starts Nucleus using the given config directory
startNucleus(String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
Starts Nucleus given an array of configpath entries
startNucleus(File) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Starts Nucleus using the given config directory
startNucleus(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
Starts Nucleus using the given config directory
startNucleusWithModules(String[], Class, String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
This method starts nucleus with a config path calculated from the specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS", "Publishing.base", etc).
startNucleusWithModules(String[], Class, String, String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
This method starts nucleus with a config path calculated from the specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS", "Publishing.base", etc).
startNucleusWithModules(NucleusTestUtils.NucleusStartupOptions) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils
This method starts nucleus with a config path calculated from the specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS", "Publishing.base", etc).
sVersionedClassName - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATestUtils
SYBASE - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
SYBASE - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository
SYBASE2 - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingGSA
SYBASE2 - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.InitializingVersionRepository


tamperedURLParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
tearDown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
tearDown() - Method in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
Always make sure to call this because it will do necessary clean up actions (shutting down in-memory database (if it was used) and the nucleus) so he next test can run safely.
testDummy() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSATest
A Dummy test so smokestack won't report this class as a failure.
TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest - Class in atg.servlet
A wrapper around DynamoHttpServletRequest to allow for adding some test specific methods.
TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
Constructs a new TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest which wraps the given request object.
TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse - Class in atg.servlet
A wrapper around DynamoHttpServletResponse to allow for adding test specific methods
TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
TestingHttpConnectionServletInputStream - Class in atg.server.http
A version of HttpConnectionServletInputStream that allows one to specify the content length parameter.
TestingHttpConnectionServletInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class atg.server.http.TestingHttpConnectionServletInputStream
Constructs a new HttpConnectionServletInputStream that gets its input from the specified InputStream
TestUtils - Class in atg.junit.nucleus
This class is used to hold useful utilty methods people may need when running tests.
TestUtils() - Constructor for class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
TIMESTAMP_SER - Static variable in class atg.test.AtgDustCase
toString() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletRequest
toString() - Method in class atg.servlet.TestingDynamoHttpServletResponse
TSM_TESTRUN - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
property to track which testrun a result is part of.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC
UNKNOWN_INFO - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
update(String) - Method in class atg.test.util.DBUtils
USERNAME - Static variable in class com.mycompany.SimpleDroplet


VENDOR_ATG - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
VENDOR_BEA - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
VENDOR_IBM - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
VENDOR_JBOSS - Static variable in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
versioningContextHelper(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.xml.VersioningContextUtil
If supply projectName argument, We will use projectName, projectType and user to create project and get its workspaceId.
versioningContextHelper(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.xml.VersioningContextUtil
VersioningContextUtil - Class in atg.adapter.gsa.xml
VersioningContextUtil() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.xml.VersioningContextUtil


write(int) - Method in class atg.test.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class atg.test.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
writeFileBytes(File, byte[]) - Static method in class atg.junit.nucleus.TestUtils
Writes the byte array into the specified file.


XmlUtils - Class in atg.junit.nucleus
A utility class to help with common XML manipulation functions.
XmlUtils() - Constructor for class atg.junit.nucleus.XmlUtils


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