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1   /***
2    * Copyright 2009 ATG DUST Project
3    * 
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * 
7    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    * 
9    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
10   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
13   */
14  package atg.adapter.gsa;
16  import java.sql.Connection;
17  import java.sql.SQLException;
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.Iterator;
20  import java.util.List;
23  import org.apache.ddlutils.DatabaseOperationException;
24  import org.apache.ddlutils.Platform;
25  import org.apache.ddlutils.PlatformFactory;
26  import org.apache.ddlutils.model.Column;
27  import org.apache.ddlutils.model.Database;
28  import org.apache.ddlutils.model.ForeignKey;
29  import org.apache.ddlutils.model.IndexColumn;
30  import org.apache.ddlutils.model.Reference;
31  import org.apache.ddlutils.model.UniqueIndex;
33  import atg.repository.RepositoryException;
35  /***
36   * This class is used to generate drop and alter a database schema required for
37   * a given repository. It uses the Apache DDLUtils tools for the actual schema
38   * manipulation. To use the class first initialize it's "model" by passing a
39   * GSARepository to the constructor. Afterwards you may invoke the action
40   * methods such as:
41   * <ul>
42   * <li>createSchema - Creates schema including constraints.
43   * <li>dropSchema - Drops the schema including constraints.
44   * <li>alterSchema - Attempts to alter an existing schema into the one currently
45   * required for the given repository.
46   * </ul>
47   * These methods affect the DataSource used by the given GSARepository. If that
48   * DataSource is not accessible then these methods will fail. Schema
49   * modification may continue or fail on error. Set the <code>strict</code>
50   * property to true to always fail on error. The default is to continue on
51   * error.
52   * 
53   * @version $Id: //test/UnitTests/base/main/src/Java/atg/adapter/gsa/
54   * $
55   * @author adamb
56   */
57  public class GSARepositorySchemaGenerator {
59    // The repository upon which we are working.
60    public GSARepository mRepository = null;
61    // The DDLUtils Platform object
62    public Platform mPlatform = null;
63    // The DDLUtils Database Model
64    public Database mDatabase = null;
65    // Tool for mapping database types
66    public DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC mDatabaseTypeNameToJDBC = null;
68    // -----------------------------
69    /***
70     * Creates a new GSARepositorySchemaGenerator and initializes it with a model
71     * based upon the given repository.
72     * 
73     * @param pRepository
74     * @throws RepositoryException
75     */
76    public GSARepositorySchemaGenerator(GSARepository pRepository)
77        throws RepositoryException {
78      buildModel(pRepository);
79    }
81    // -----------------------------
82    /***
83     * Initialize this class with a model for the given repository. Any previous
84     * model will be discarded.
85     * 
86     * @param pRepository
87     * @throws RepositoryException
88     */
89    public void buildModel(GSARepository pRepository) throws RepositoryException {
90      mDatabaseTypeNameToJDBC = new DatabaseTypeNameToJDBC(pRepository
91          .getDatabaseTableInfo());
92      mRepository = pRepository;
93      mPlatform = PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance(pRepository
94          .getDataSource());
95      mDatabase = new Database();
96      mDatabase.setName(pRepository.getAbsoluteName());
97      mDatabase.setVersion("1.0");
98      String[] names = pRepository.getItemDescriptorNames();
99      for (String name : names) {
100       GSAItemDescriptor desc = (GSAItemDescriptor) pRepository
101           .getItemDescriptor(name);
102       Table[] tables = desc.getTables();
103       // first do primary tables
104       processTables(pRepository, tables, true);
105     }
106     for (String name : names) {
107       GSAItemDescriptor desc = (GSAItemDescriptor) pRepository
108           .getItemDescriptor(name);
109       Table[] tables = desc.getTables();
110       // then do the rest
111       desc.getPrimaryTable();
112       processTables(pRepository, tables, false);
113     }
115   }
117   /***
118    * Walks the tables of this repository building up a DDLUtils model.
119    * 
120    * @param pRepository
121    * @param tables
122    * @param pPrimary
123    *          - if True only processes primary tables
124    * @throws RepositoryException
125    */
126   private void processTables(GSARepository pRepository, Table[] tables,
127       boolean pPrimary) throws RepositoryException {
128     for (Table table : tables) {
129       if (!table.isInherited() && (table.isPrimaryTable() == pPrimary)) {
130         // track tables here. if we have multiple repositories
131         // using the same table we don't want to double create.
132         // actually the problem is more a single
133         // repository that is reusing a table for multiple
134         // purposes
136         List<GSARepository> repositoriesUsingTable = SchemaTracker
137             .getSchemaTracker().getTableToRepository().get(table.getName());
138         if (repositoriesUsingTable != null
139             && repositoriesUsingTable.contains(pRepository)) {
140           pRepository.logWarning("Table " + table.getName()
141               + " already defined by repository "
142               + repositoriesUsingTable.toString()
143               + " skipping schema creation for this table. multi="
144               + table.isMultiTable() + " auxiliary=" + table.isAuxiliaryTable()
145               + " primary=" + table.isPrimaryTable());
146         } else {
147           // Only add the model if we have never seen this table created
148           buildSingleTableModel(mDatabase, table, pRepository);
149           repositoriesUsingTable = new ArrayList<GSARepository>();
150           repositoriesUsingTable.add(pRepository);
151         }
152         SchemaTracker.getSchemaTracker().getTableToRepository().put(
153             table.getName(), repositoriesUsingTable);
154       }
155     }
156   }
158   // -----------------------------
159   /***
160    * Adds the definition of the given table to the current DDLUtils database
161    * model.
162    * 
163    * @param pDb
164    * @param pTable
165    * @param pRepository
166    * @throws RepositoryException
167    */
168   void buildSingleTableModel(Database pDb, Table pTable,
169       GSARepository pRepository) throws RepositoryException {
170     TableColumns columns = new TableColumns(pTable, pRepository
171         .getDatabaseTableInfo());
172     pTable.collectColumnsForName(columns);
173     AccessibleTableColumns atable = new AccessibleTableColumns(columns);
175     // --------------------------
176     // Table Definition
177     // --------------------------
178     org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table t = new org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table();
179     t.setName(pTable.getName());
180     pDb.addTable(t);
182     // --------------------------
183     // Add Columns
184     // --------------------------
186     ColumnDefinitionNode columnDefinition = null;
187     boolean proceed = false;
189     for (columnDefinition = atable.getHead(), proceed = true; columnDefinition != null
190         && proceed; columnDefinition = columnDefinition.mNext) {
191       // No need to iterate the next time if there is just one element in the
192       // linked list
193       if (atable.getHead() == atable.getTail())
194         proceed = false;
196       Column c = new Column();
198       // --------------------------
199       // Column Name
200       // --------------------------
202       c.setName(columnDefinition.mColumnName);
203       t.addColumn(c);
205       // --------------------------
206       // Column Type
207       // --------------------------
209       setupColumnType(pRepository, columnDefinition, c);
211       // --------------------------
212       // Primary Key
213       // --------------------------
215       if (atable.getPrimaryKeys().contains(c.getName())
216           || c.getName().equals(atable.getMultiColumnName())) {
217         c.setPrimaryKey(true);
218       }
220       // --------------------------
221       // Null/NotNull
222       // --------------------------
224       if (columnDefinition.mIsRequired
225           || atable.getPrimaryKeys().contains(columnDefinition.mColumnName)) {
226         c.setRequired(true);
227       } else {
228         c.setRequired(false);
229       }
231       // --------------------------
232       // Unique Index
233       // DDLUtils doesn't yet to UNIQUE constraints.. Hmph
234       // --------------------------
236       if (columnDefinition.mIsUnique) {
237         UniqueIndex uniqueIndex = new UniqueIndex();
238         uniqueIndex.setName("uidx_" + t.getName() + "_" + c.getName());
239         uniqueIndex.addColumn(new IndexColumn(c));
240         t.addIndex(uniqueIndex);
241       }
243       // --------------------------
244       // References Constraint
245       // --------------------------
247       if (columnDefinition.mReferenced != null && !columns.mVersioned) {
249         ForeignKey foreignKey = new ForeignKey();
250         Reference reference = new Reference();
251         String referencedTableName = columnDefinition.mReferenced.substring(0,
252             columnDefinition.mReferenced.indexOf("("));
253         String referencedColumnName = columnDefinition.mReferenced.substring(
254             columnDefinition.mReferenced.indexOf("(") + 1,
255             columnDefinition.mReferenced.indexOf(")"));
256         org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table referencedTable = pDb
257             .findTable(referencedTableName);
258         foreignKey.setName(t.getName() + c.getName() + "FK"
259             + referencedTableName + referencedColumnName);
260         if (referencedTable != null) {
261           Column referencedColumn = referencedTable
262               .findColumn(referencedColumnName);
263           if (referencedTable.getName().equals(t.getName())
264               && referencedColumn.getName().equals(c.getName())) {
265             pRepository
266                 .logWarning("Skipping foreign key constraint, table and column are the same. Table.Column="
267                     + referencedTableName + "." + referencedColumnName);
268           } else {
269             reference.setForeignColumn(referencedColumn);
270             reference.setLocalColumn(c);
271             foreignKey.addReference(reference);
272             foreignKey.setForeignTable(referencedTable);
273             t.addForeignKey(foreignKey);
274           }
275         }
277         // --------------------------
278         // Foreign Keys
279         // --------------------------
281         if (atable.getForeignKeys() != null && !columns.mVersioned) {
282           // TODO: Add ForeignKeys
283         }
284       }
285     }
287   }
289   /***
290    * Determines the appropriate jdbc type for the given ColumnDefinitionNode and
291    * sets that in Column "c".
292    * 
293    * @param pRepository
294    * @param columnDefinition
295    * @param c
296    */
297   void setupColumnType(GSARepository pRepository,
298       ColumnDefinitionNode columnDefinition, Column c) {
299     c.setDescription(columnDefinition.mDataTypeString);
300     String typeName = null;
301     String size = null;
302     if (columnDefinition.mDataTypeString.contains("(")) {
303       typeName = columnDefinition.mDataTypeString.substring(0,
304           columnDefinition.mDataTypeString.indexOf("("));
305       size = columnDefinition.mDataTypeString.substring(
306           columnDefinition.mDataTypeString.indexOf("(") + 1,
307           columnDefinition.mDataTypeString.indexOf(")"));
308     } else {
309       typeName = columnDefinition.mDataTypeString;
310     }
312     String precision = null;
313     String scale = null;
314     if (size != null) {
315       if (size.contains(",")) {
316         precision = size.substring(0, size.indexOf(","));
317         scale = size.substring(size.indexOf(",") + 1, size.length());
318         c.setPrecisionRadix(Integer.parseInt(precision.trim()));
319         c.setScale(Integer.parseInt(scale.trim()));
320       } else {
321         c.setSize(size);
322       }
323     }
325     c.setTypeCode(mDatabaseTypeNameToJDBC.databaseTypeNametoJDBCType(typeName));
326   }
328   // -----------------------------
329   /***
330    * Creates the schema based on the current model. If no model has been
331    * created, this method throws a NoModelException.
332    * 
333    * @param pContinueOnError
334    *          - If true, continue on error, else fail.
335    * @param pDrop
336    *          - If true, drops schema first before attempting to create it.
337    * @throws SQLException
338    * @throws DatabaseOperationException
339    */
340   public void createSchema(final boolean pContinueOnError, final boolean pDrop)
341       throws DatabaseOperationException, SQLException {
342     boolean success = new DoInAutoCommit(this, mRepository)
343         .doInAutoCommit(new AutoCommitable() {
344           @Override
345           public void doInAutoCommit(Connection pConnection) {
346             mPlatform.createTables(pConnection, mDatabase, pDrop,
347                 pContinueOnError);
348           }
349         });
350     if (!success)
351       throw new DatabaseOperationException("Failed to create tables.");
352   }
354   // -----------------------------
355   /***
356    * Drops the schema based on the current model. If no model has been created,
357    * this method throws a NoModelException.
358    * 
359    * @param pContinueOnError
360    *          - If true, continue on error, else fail.
361    * @throws SQLException
362    * @throws DatabaseOperationException
363    */
364   public void dropSchema(final boolean pContinueOnError)
365       throws DatabaseOperationException, SQLException {
366     boolean success = new DoInAutoCommit(this, mRepository)
367         .doInAutoCommit(new AutoCommitable() {
368           @Override
369           public void doInAutoCommit(Connection pConnection) {
370             mPlatform.dropTables(pConnection, mDatabase, pContinueOnError);
371           }
372         });
373     if (!success)
374       throw new DatabaseOperationException("Failed to drop tables.");
375   }
377   // -----------------------------
378   /***
379    * Alters the schema based on the current model. If no model has been created,
380    * this method throws a NoModelException. This method attempts to preserve the
381    * data in the target database.
382    * 
383    * @param pContinueOnError
384    *          - If true, fail on error, else continue on error.
385    * @throws SQLException
386    * @throws DatabaseOperationException
387    */
388   public void alterSchema(final boolean pContinueOnError)
389       throws DatabaseOperationException, SQLException {
390     mPlatform.alterTables(mRepository.getConnection(), mDatabase,
391         pContinueOnError);
392     boolean success = new DoInAutoCommit(this, mRepository)
393         .doInAutoCommit(new AutoCommitable() {
394           @Override
395           public void doInAutoCommit(Connection pConnection) {
396             mPlatform.alterTables(pConnection, mDatabase, pContinueOnError);
397           }
398         });
399     if (!success)
400       throw new DatabaseOperationException("Failed to alter tables.");
401   }
402 }